Need a helping hand to guide you through the design and consenting processes? As well as things to think about when developing or buying a home, this section provides information on the Auckland Urban Design Panel process, resource consents checklists, and ‘how to’ guidance on landscape assessments and design statements.
Design and consenting processes
Auckland Urban Design Panel
The Auckland Urban Design Panel (AUDP) provides you with independent, best-practice advice so that your significant project contributes to better outcomes for Auckland. This section guides you through the AUDP process as well as providing you with information on who the current panel members are.
Resource consent checklists
This section provides you with the checklists required when preparing your resource consent so that your application has everything that it needs.
Design statement guidance
Design statements are an effective way to explain your design proposal, and how it enhances the surrounding context, and aligns with the design and planning requirements for the site and area. This section provides things to think about when preparing a design statement.
Landscape assessments
To ensure our landscapes are sustainably managed and developed, an assessment of landscape and visual effects may be required in support of resource consent applications or proposed plan changes. The following guidelines have been created to provide a framework for the preparation of a landscape and visual effects assessment.
Considering effects on Mana Whenua values in resource consents
The notes on this page will help you understand and interpret the Auckland Unitary Plan Mana Whenua provisions. This includes the rules that trigger the need to consider effects on mana whenua values.