Thinking about water, streets, earthworks or coastal hazards? Find guides, codes of practice, specs and checklists to assist with the development of your infrastructure projects.
Ki te whakawhanake i ngā wāhi me ngā hanganga Developing infrastructure
Infrastructure Technical Guides
Welcome to Auckland's home for technical infrastructure guidance, Auckland Council's guides for designing resilient and sustainable infrastructure solutions. Discover how your next project can apply the principles of water sensitive design, erosion and sediment control and much more.
Infrastructure Codes of Practice
The Auckland Code of Practice for Land Development and Subdivision (CoP) provides minimum standards on what is required for the infrastructure and works approval process and working with Auckland Council and CCOs.
Infrastructure Technical Specifications
Auckland Council’s Technical Specifications outline the essential requirements for Auckland Council Physical Works contracts, ensuring all works meet defined standards. It is a series of documents that provide detailed requirements across various technical areas to align with and support contract obligations.
Shoreline Adaptation Plans
The Shoreline Adaptation Programme is planning for the future of Auckland’s 3200km of shorelines (beaches, cliffs, harbours and estuaries) in response to the impacts of climate change, erosion and flooding. The programme includes plans for 20 coastal areas across the region. We call these Shoreline Adaptation Plans (SAPs). Visit Shoreline Adaptation Programme on the Auckland Council website to find out more.
Stormwater Network Discharge Consent (NDC)
Stormwater runoff from your development may be authorised under Council’s network consent. This section includes information about the Stormwater Network Discharge Consent including development requirements.
Technical Notes
This section includes the latest infrastructure technical notes.
Streets and Movement
This section links to key Auckland Transport plans and strategies: the Transport Design Manual, the Roads and Streets Framework and Future Connect. You can also click through to the Integrated Transport Assessment guidelines and Auckland Network Operating Plan.
Freshwater Management Tool
This section includes guidance on using the Freshwater Management Tool developed for Auckland Council Healthy Waters. The tool is designed to provide a set of actions that will deliver on a water quality target cost-effectively.