Hoahoa Māori Māori design

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangaranga maha…

This is the world’s leading resource on Māori design where you’ll find insights, resources and examples of Māori design best practice. The bedrock of the guidance provided here is the seven outcomes-focused around the Te Aranga Principles. These principles express the thinking, input and tikanga of numerous iwi throughout Tāmaki Makaurau and beyond.

Ma te kōrero ka mōhio
Ma te mōhio ka mārama 
Ma te mārama ka mātau 
Ma te mātau ka ora ai tātou

By discussing, learning begins By learning, understanding follows
By understanding, knowledge acquired
By acquiring knowledge, we all prosper

Waimahara is an interactive artwork designed to deepen our connection to place. It describes the memory of water, specifically Te Waihorotiu, the stream flowing beneath the Myers Park underpass to Waitematā Harbour. Like the stream, this artwork is alive. It responds to the environment, weather and our presence by changing light patterns and sound.

Rangahau take hoahoa whaitua tūmataiti Māori Māori design case studies